☑ SHA-2 Fingerprint is found in Database.
Time Stamp (UTC time zone):January 24, 2018 12:17:29 am UTC
Time Stamp (converted to local time):
SHA-2 Fingerprint:5412564fe0badd4b01f288b9040200bdd3993c69d84bf01862a376bf5a575d55
Sequential Validity Check:298058c153cc0665504f34437994e41c3d1bf23ebaeadf56c2d11ad268e9de6c
NOTICE: It may be easier to submit the Original File instead of the SHA-2 fingerprint, for this Time Stamp.
Although the above steps prove that the SHA-2 fingerprint was timestamped at the above date, we have not yet proven that this was derived from the file of interest.

To finish verification of time stamp for this particular file, its SHA-2 fingerprint must be calculated and confirmed to match exactly the fingerprint above.

Note that altered files will produce different SHA-2 fingerprints, and cannot be verified.

How to calculate SHA-2 fingerprint:


Further, third-party proofs: https://web.archive.org/web/*/truetimestamp.org

Create or Verify a TimeStamp